


I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.

Latest Newsletter

Photo by Elissa

Sometimes I have to just hug my flowers.

March 2025


I love you! I’m deeply motivated to keep the month of love in my heart as we march forward to embrace the challenges we’ll experience in the month of March.

This has been a rough winter. Everyone is living with uncertainty because of the rapid-fire chaos and relentless disruptions to the norms we’ve always held dear. On a positive note, the natural world is moving toward spring’s renewal. We look for the signs of rebirth: new life bursting upward with its long-awaited green growth that promises the life-force energy of fragrant, beautiful, colorful flowers.

The days are getting brighter and longer, luring us to spend more time out-of-doors. We’ll embrace every opportunity to spend more time in the expansive, ever-changing natural environment, where the sky and the good earth meet and greet us. Trees are reaching upward toward the blue sky. Now, more than ever ...

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All Newsletters

December 2019


Dear Friends,

We are in the throes of the holiday season, and the spirit of thanks and love are everywhere.

November began with my celebrating my 78th birthday with the most electric, fun, and inspiring Happiness Retreat so far. The following week I went to New York to be with ...

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November 2019


Dear Friends,

A friend and I were arranging to have a catch up, and we made a lunch date in the near future in order to allow our anticipation of being together have more time to increase our happiness. As much as I am at peace and feel my happiest ...

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October 2019


Dear Readers,

Happy Octoberfest! September proved to be a turning of the wheel in the right direction for me. I hope this is true for you. For an accumulation of simple and profound reasons, I put my mind and heart to being true to my word. “Living A Beautiful Life ...

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September 2019


Dear Friends,

The sensuous song of September is in the air. I have fallen in love with the refreshing cool breezes and the expansive white cotton candy clouds in the infinite blue sky as we move into a new exciting season of growth and learning.

Happy fall to you and ...

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August 2019


Dear Friends,

I wish every possible joy to you in all seasons, especially now, always now. Happy wondrous new month of opportunities and challenges, of endless summer, and all the blessings that envelope us this sparkling time of year. I am embracing the light that brings rainbows of color and ...

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July 2019


Dear Friends,

Happy July! Love and light to you!

Great news! We are having another Happiness Retreat the end of January.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am writing you this letter early because Sharon, who publishes my newsletter on the website, is going on a family vacation on ...

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June 2019


Dear Friends,

I’m vividly reminded of one of Peter’s several hospital trips in an ambulance after he fell on the bottom step of our cottage stairs. The situation was serious. In the emergency room Peter’s nausea was so severe he didn’t embrace my touch – the first ...

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May 2019


Dear Friends,

May has a special place in my heart for reasons large and small. Peter and I were married May 18th, 1974, being a cause for great celebration and recommitment. I couple this joy with our tiny back yard garden that’s ancient white lilac tree and pink Japanese ...

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April 2019


Dear Friends,

Happy April, No Fooling! I am savoring the coming of spring, one bloom at a time. My neighbor Charlie – in the pink house with the green door – has a host of snowdrops in his garden path in front of his federal-style house. We share a white picket fence ...

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March 2019


Dear Friends,

Happy month of March. February, the month of love, was celebrated tenderly. Winter is such a wonderful time to appreciate the comforts and cozy atmosphere we create for ourselves and loved ones. I spent quiet, gentle days at the cottage, loving the opportunity to write, reflect, read, and ...

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February 2019


Dear Friends,

Happy month of love!

Before I leap ahead into the short, sweet month of February, I want to tell you about all the excitement in our usually sleepy village of Stonington in January.

Hallmark is here to film a Christmas special about heroes. Veterans. A love story being ...

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January 2019


Dear Friends,

What an amazing journey we’re on. Happy, happy New Year!

However you celebrated the holiday season, I hope your heart was full of grace. My favorite Christmas card was sent by friends who were married on the same date as Peter and me, May 18, 1974. Anne ...

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I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.