December 2019
Great good news! Alexandra is having a Happiness Event at the Inn at Stonington on Wednesday and Thursday, March 11th and 12th, 2020. Call the Inn at Stonington and speak with Sue or Aubrey to reserve your spot! Alexandra is very excited to see you all!
Planning ahead .... Please check Alexandra's calendar as new events will be posted as soon as they are confirmed!
To register or for more information about events at the Inn at Stonington, please contact Aubrey or Sue at (860) 535-2000.
Dear Friends,
We are in the throes of the holiday season, and the spirit of thanks and love are everywhere.
November began with my celebrating my 78th birthday with the most electric, fun, and inspiring Happiness Retreat so far. The following week I went to New York to be with my family to continue to be together to create special memories, ending with my younger granddaughter and her parents here in Stonington. My glass is more than half full; my cup runnith over and is flowing in every direction.
At the Happiness seminar, I began with a brief history of my journey, the books I’ve written, and the most significant decision I’ve made since Peter died five years ago: I’m not going to move forward with my book “Men in My Life: A Love Story.” As profound as this choice is, I’ve come to understand all is for the best in the best of all worlds. For all of you who made a pilgrimage to be at this year’s seminar, you can recall I was pretty funny. I announced I was no longer going to write to five dead dudes and the Dalai Lama. Laughter broke out. I had been writing intimate love letters to the five dead men who shaped my entire life so far.
Celebrating the fifth anniversary of Peter’s death September 25th, I spent several days with my dear friend Kerri, where we had a plan to have fun and move on. Each of us needed to look ahead, make changes, and focus on renewal. I spilled the beans about my new writing project: I am writing about beauty, a constant theme in my work, and a book I was writing before “Men in My Life: A Love Story” or “Joyful Living in the Real World.”
Since my literary agent and cherished friend died in 2013 I have not had a book published. I am ripe. I’m on fire. I want to touch your lives in the most inspiring and useful ways possible. I know in the center of my heart, this is the book I’m meant to write now.
I will fill you in on the progress. I am excited to be writing about beauty from a spirit – energy, soulful perspective. As you know, beauty is available to us in all forms and it has been the inspiration and sustaining force in my entire conscious life. I became alive to my soul in my mother’s flower garden when I was three. Since that magical childhood awakening to the awesome beauty of a flower garden, I grew up to understand the sacredness of nature.
We are living in challenging times. Our world order, our country, are divided in conflict. TO great disappointment, some people in places of power and influence are selling their souls.
I feel I am coming home to write about beauty in these troubling times. Beauty has the transformative force to bring us inner peace as we hold our heads up high and search our own souls. Because our soul is our higher power, the clarity and purity in our essence, in the core of our being, now is the time to pay attention to our sense of well-being, our personal happiness, and the values we live by that will bring us greater meaning and happiness.
Beauty and happiness are inseparable. When we think beautiful thoughts, when we cultivate our soul by creating a micro-ritual about all the routine habits we perform each day, we will live with a heightened state of wonder and reverence.
Be careful what you think. Question whether you are being honest with your own specific insights, and whether they conform to knowledge that is based on facts. Because each of our soul’s DNA is as unique as our fingerprints and a snowflake, we need to create our own spiritual guidebook. Be unafraid. The truth is the prize. Don’t let fear darken your light within. Only when we live in freedom in our fragile democracy and with freedom to live our own private lives will we be fully alive. Think hard about the New Hampshire license plate state motto “live free or die.”
When I was in New York celebrating, Brooke, Cooper and I saw the movie “Harriett” about the story of the brave escaped slave Harriett Tubman, the abolitionist, who saved 70 enslaved people through the underground railroad; Tubman, who jumped off a bridge when cornered, “Death or Liberty.”
In this season of love and celebration, I hope we will all open our hearts to embrace all the beauty in our souls. There are good people who will be uplifted by our loving kindness wherever we celebrate our holiday season.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I’m looking to celebrate beauty and truth joyfully in the New Year.
Love & Live Happy

Book suggestion:
Working: Researching, Interviewing, and Writing"
Author: Robert A Caro
Alexandra with her friend Amy's dad
Debra and Charles enjoying the cottage
Lisa, Marla, Milena, and Sandra
Elizabeth and Deborah with a tray of homemade cookies
MaryLee, Karen and Lisa at the book table
Rich relaxing at the cottage

Love & Live Happy
Grace Note
“A cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.”
~~The cadet honor code.