


I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.

Latest Newsletter

Photo by Elissa

Sometimes I have to just hug my flowers.

March 2025


I love you! I’m deeply motivated to keep the month of love in my heart as we march forward to embrace the challenges we’ll experience in the month of March.

This has been a rough winter. Everyone is living with uncertainty because of the rapid-fire chaos and relentless disruptions to the norms we’ve always held dear. On a positive note, the natural world is moving toward spring’s renewal. We look for the signs of rebirth: new life bursting upward with its long-awaited green growth that promises the life-force energy of fragrant, beautiful, colorful flowers.

The days are getting brighter and longer, luring us to spend more time out-of-doors. We’ll embrace every opportunity to spend more time in the expansive, ever-changing natural environment, where the sky and the good earth meet and greet us. Trees are reaching upward toward the blue sky. Now, more than ever ...

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All Newsletters

December 2013


I sincerely hope the spirit of expressing gratitude that enveloped the month of November will continue to build throughout the month of December and into the New Year, 2014. I’ve been charmed by the emphasis on thanks, peace, and simplicity, and feel confident in the days, weeks, months, and ...

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November 2013


I’m making November, Happy Thanksgiving month. I’ve had a great deal of time and inner calm to think about the big questions of life. I’ve concluded that the more thankful we are, the happier we become. As October ends and we move on to November, I want ...

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October 2013


We have enjoyed some beautiful sunny fall days and are appreciating seeing the light streaming through the fall foliage with the brilliant colors that stimulate our imagination and bring us such sensual delights. Let me begin by thanking so many of you for writing me such sensitive, loving letters about ...

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September 2013


Peter and I’d planned to take some time off before we learned that my dear friend and literary agent Carl Brandt died August 13th. At the time of his sudden death, I was working so hard on my book, Joyful Living In The Real World. Knowing Carl had incurable ...

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August 2013


How is it possible August is here in full bloom! I’ve never experienced time to fly by so quickly as these soft, peaceful days this summer.

I believe my friend and former boss, Eleanor McMillen Brown, who was born in 1890, figured out the secret to happiness. Mrs. Brown ...

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July 2013


Happy July! Summer is indeed upon us, bursting her glorious beauty in our gardens. On the rainy days I felt blessed our roses and hydrangea were being lovingly watered by Mother Nature. The entire month of June was celebrated in daily doses of beauty everywhere. Peter and I pinch ourselves ...

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June 2013


Happy June! Finally we’re having some warm weather. We’re not used to hazy, hot, humid weather after such a cold spring. When it was freezing cold, we all realized soon it would be too hot. There’s something important the weather teaches us: we have to take it ...

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May 2013


My heart is bursting with gratitude for the outpouring of love and joyful celebrations we shared as we launched The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters: The Timelessness of Simple Truths. I’m continuously surprised by joy, thrilled to finally have my book in your hands.

There was one technical ...

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April 2013


Happy April!

When I think of the weather issues I covered last month, I realize that our friends now consider “snow” a four letter word. Everyone is now focusing on Spring. The daffodils are blooming, the boats are returning to the harbor, and I’m feeling the great refreshment of ...

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March 2013


February’s blizzard was both dangerous and beautiful. Fortunately for Peter and me we were safe and comfortable, but, as everyone knows, the storm was serious.

The Friday morning Nemo made her presence, Peter and I fled Stonington and stayed at a nearby hotel – the same one where we holed ...

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Feb 2013


This new year has gotten off to an exciting start. I feel a surge of energy moving forward with the excitement of my new book publication. The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters: The Timelessness of Simple Truths will be published with the publication date of April 2nd.

April 2nd ...

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Jan 2013


I wish you a most joyful New Year! Love, peace, hope and joy: all the messages of the holiday season now mean more to each of us than ever.

The carnage at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut has changed us all forever. The unthinkable rampage has left me with raw ...

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I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.