


I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.

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Photo by Elissa

Sometimes I have to just hug my flowers.

March 2025


I love you! I’m deeply motivated to keep the month of love in my heart as we march forward to embrace the challenges we’ll experience in the month of March.

This has been a rough winter. Everyone is living with uncertainty because of the rapid-fire chaos and relentless disruptions to the norms we’ve always held dear. On a positive note, the natural world is moving toward spring’s renewal. We look for the signs of rebirth: new life bursting upward with its long-awaited green growth that promises the life-force energy of fragrant, beautiful, colorful flowers.

The days are getting brighter and longer, luring us to spend more time out-of-doors. We’ll embrace every opportunity to spend more time in the expansive, ever-changing natural environment, where the sky and the good earth meet and greet us. Trees are reaching upward toward the blue sky. Now, more than ever ...

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All Newsletters

Dec 2014


Our daughter Brooke told Peter and me that His Holiness the Dalai Lama was returning to New York to the Beacon Theatre, where we were first in his presence for his teachings in September, 2003. Brooke wanted to give us tickets for my 73rd birthday. Peter and I were excited ...

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Nov 2014


My good friend Claire wrote me the moment she learned that Peter died on September 25th; her words are worthy to be repeated. “To know ‘Sweet Pete’ is to love him and be blessed to make your life richer, deeper, and more noble.” Let me share more of her loving ...

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Oct 2014


My good friend Claire wrote me the moment she learned that Peter died on September 25th; her words are worthy to be repeated. “To know ‘Sweet Pete’ is to love him and be blessed to make your life richer, deeper, and more noble.” Let me share more of her loving ...

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September 2014


A senior editor from the Reader’s Digest advised me when I was a young woman yearning to become a writer, never to read the paper until you’ve done your creative writing. Such apt advice. The world seems to be falling apart in all corners of the globe. Good ...

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August 2014


The entire month of July was sublime. Peter and I continue to thrive in these happy, gentle summer days in our charming walking seaside village.

Early one morning, looking out at the lovely harbor on a brilliantly clear day, the sea breeze moving the sailboats to and fro, I was ...

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July 2014


June busted out all over, bringing an exuberant abundance of the bounty of nature’s sensuous beauty. For all of us who experienced a tough winter, spring came as an exceptional blessing. Our pink roses hugging the white picket fence are effulgent. The hot pink geraniums are spectacular. The peonies ...

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May 2014


Ever since I was a teenager observing my Aunt Betty, an international social worker, taking sabbaticals in exotic places around the world, I’ve been intrigued by travel. That was a long time ago and the idea grew on me increasingly over the years. Last month, I seized on the ...

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April 2014


It’s safe to say, this March was the happiest month ever for Peter and me. Let me count the ways: The weather was punishing; the wind chill, ice cold. We marched on over in early March – and toward the end of the month because of two more threats of ...

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March 2014


Happy March! We’re moving towards the first day of spring. This has been a long, cold, snowy winter for us here in southeastern New England. Frankly, I was unprepared. Our best plans for February had to be readjusted because of the weather. We went to the nearby Marriott for ...

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Feb 2014


Happy February!

Each month has its own special virtues and personality. February is an especially happy month because it represents the celebration of love. Being a hopeless romantic, I truly enjoy Valentine’s Day and all the days before and afterwards.

I’ve been thinking a great deal lately about ...

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Jan 2014


I sincerely wish you the happiest New Year ever! I have really positive feelings about this coming year and look forward to the challenges, adventures, changes and surprises we will inevitably face. We are all on the cusp of greatness, with all our hard work and intentions coming together to ...

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I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.