


I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.

Latest Newsletter

Photo by Elissa

Sometimes I have to just hug my flowers.

March 2025


I love you! I’m deeply motivated to keep the month of love in my heart as we march forward to embrace the challenges we’ll experience in the month of March.

This has been a rough winter. Everyone is living with uncertainty because of the rapid-fire chaos and relentless disruptions to the norms we’ve always held dear. On a positive note, the natural world is moving toward spring’s renewal. We look for the signs of rebirth: new life bursting upward with its long-awaited green growth that promises the life-force energy of fragrant, beautiful, colorful flowers.

The days are getting brighter and longer, luring us to spend more time out-of-doors. We’ll embrace every opportunity to spend more time in the expansive, ever-changing natural environment, where the sky and the good earth meet and greet us. Trees are reaching upward toward the blue sky. Now, more than ever ...

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All Newsletters

Dec 2011


The entire month of November was magical. I had the delicious treat of anticipating going to Paris for my 70th birthday. I’d finished the first draft of my book, and soon upon our return, we were able to spend Thanksgiving with our grandchildren.

When we returned from Paris, friends ...

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Nov 2011


Before I discuss the glorious month of October, I want to tell you about the extraordinary time Peter and I had at the book launch party at Saltwater Farm Vineyard. Jim Hicks threw a grand celebration for his book, Healthy Eating Healthy World. Our good friends Matt and Kerri surprised ...

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Oct 2011


September is one of my favorite months. I love the cooler, fresh air, and the change of seasons, the beginnings, the new challenges and a fresh start.

Cooper went to pre-kindergarten in her plaid uniform. Her best friend Caroline, who lives a few floors above her in their New York ...

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September 2011


I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones safe after the severe weather so many of us experienced in the month of August. I also hope August brought you some relaxing moments of pleasure and interspection as we all head into the stimulating challenges of the fall that ...

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August 2011


This July was, perhaps, the happiest month of my life and I can’t pinpoint it to anything specific. Peter and I have enjoyed gentle days filled with grace and love. We began July with the great blessing of all of us having been under one roof, all four generations ...

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July 2011


The entire month of June brought me great joy and deep satisfaction as we enjoyed the beautiful weather and celebrated the beginning of summer. My good friend Kerri surprised me when she arrived at Gather with six of her closest friends to hear me talk at my event sponsored by ...

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June 2011


I’ve heard from many of my fans and friends across the country about this last round of devastating deadly storms – the tornado that hit Joplin, MO was the deadliest natural disaster in 60 years. My heart goes out to everyone affected by these tragic circumstances that bring on unbearable ...

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May 2011


Who was it who so wisely said April is the cruelest month? It’s funny because in my romantic imagination, April is sunny, daffodils are everywhere, and Spring is in the air. However, after a harsh winter, we were challenged by many bleak, dank, dreary days as the April showers ...

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April 2011


Happy Spring! The entire month of March was devoted to celebrations, ceremonies, and rituals designed to bring pleasure, meaning and happiness to Peter’s well-lived life. (So far!!) I’m delighted to report that he is a fulfilled, content man as he approached his 90th year! As Aristotle wisely taught ...

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Mar 2011


The entire month of February moved us swiftly toward Spring. Peter and I are reminded what Mark Twain said about New England weather, "If you don’t like it, wait a minute..." We had ice and snow and a huge wind and rain storm the end of the month to ...

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Feb 2011


Our January was an extraordinarily happy month. We were surprised by joy to have Brooke, Tony and Cooper come to spend several delightful days and nights together to celebrate 2011. Peter believes a baby in the cottage makes all the difference in the world. I agree. Cooper, 27 months old ...

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January 2011


Happy New Year! One of my precious daughters told me recently that the year 2011 is going to be the best year of her life. I immediately confirmed that and fired back enthusiastically,
“2011 is going to be the best of my life also.” My daughter said, “I want clarity ...

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I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.