April 2007
Dear Friend
Happy spring! Peter and I are glad to report that the end of February and the month of March were joyful. We were productive, and at a book event in New York City, we learned from my editor Toni Sciarra that You Are Your Choices: 50 Ways to Live the Good Life is in a 5th printing! This is the greatest news we could have because I am such a believer in the profound message of this book. We truly are our choices. We own them – good or bad.
After a wonderful meeting in New York City the end of February to discuss doing a life-style furniture collection, we flew to Nashville, then on to Memphis, and later went on to Oxford, Mississippi. Every event was packed with excitement: friends greeting us at the airport, receptions, book signings, dinners, and taking us in. We felt loved and happy as we were able to share the message of free choice as the key to the good life.
In Nashville, friends gave a reception in their Art Gallery. The bookstore Davis Kidd hosted a wonderful event. There were two television shows. Memphis produced its magic. In spite of a tornado watch, Davis Kidd had a wonderful event and a dear friend had a small dinner party in our honor afterwards.
At the crack of day, before daylight, we drove to Oxford, Mississippi from Memphis, where Peter spoke to freshmen law students (a full house) on integrity and ethics, that the practice of law is not about making money but to serve the public interests. I spoke a few hours later at the Faulkner Room at the University of Mississippi’s handsome library. Dear friends from Jackson arranged our talks. There was a glorious luncheon and book event at Square Books that night, followed by a dinner at a nearby favorite restaurant organized by our good friend Sally who organized green tablecloths on the tables, spring flowers and a sell-out crowd of her friends, many who came from Memphis.
Mary Ann and Anthony, our good friends, spent the night and drove us to Jackson the next morning. Lemuria Books hosted a luncheon at their bookstore in Jackson where there were lovely green tablecloths again and peach colored tulips to match the bookcover, compliments of Mary Ann. That night the Petro family hosted an extraordinary evening at their glorious home, “Swan Lake,” in Jackson, where we celebrated friendship, beauty and love. I was blessed to be invited to help Mary Ann with the interior design of the Georgian house they built. Mary Ann is a thriving interior designer who enjoys bringing light, color and beauty into people’s daily lives at home.
We flew back north to a most wonderful evening at R.J. Julia’s in Madison, Connecticut, where Roxanne Coady introduced my talk. Roxanne is the editor of The Book That Changed My Life. She graciously asked me to write an essay for this book, along with 70 other writers. Knowing the proceeds go to literacy in Connecticut is moving. Through this literacy program, newborn babies are given books as gifts from their parents when they leave the hospital.
Back to New York for an exciting book event where both my editor and my publicist attended, then off to Lexington, Kentucky to the Blue Grass Trust Flower and Antiques Show. I spoke on antiques and gave another talk about happiness in the home, but the emphasis was happiness. We had a great time, met new friends, and were beautifully taken care of for receptions and dinners. Why do people assume book tour is exhausting? When, in truth, it is exhilarating!
Peter requested that we free our schedule in order to go to his mini-reunion for the Yale Class of ’44. We flew home from Lexington for one day in order to dump out the dirty clothes and re-pack for Florida and palm trees, sunshine, and water. We flew to Florida, visited friends, and soaked in the views, enjoying the sunshine and warmth. There were two great book events in Vero Beach and the reunion was enjoyable and poignant. On Peter’s birthday, as a complete surprise, the chairperson, Harry Walker, had everyone sing to Peter at the Saturday evening banquet. That night, a friend of the class, David Gile, a wiffenpoof and leader, died. Life is fragile and brief and these celebrations are important.
We went on to Sanibel to visit dear friends who had a reception in our honor at their home. Barbara and Garry don’t have a name for their house, but we call it “paradise” – or, as they would say in Italy, “Paradiso.” I am writing a book, all the time, under a fierce deadline, and get up before the light to try to connect with the muse. This entire tour seemed to fuel my fire even though I was challenged to find privacy and time to work with all the celebrations that seem to have no end.
We went back to New York again to see that our clothes would be dry-cleaned. We mopped up the mail, paid the bills, and were glad we had tulips in the refrigerator to greet us upon our return.
San Antonio was a private event that was thrilling. There were 550 women who attended my lecture and book signing, and I was able to have dinner with good friends who built a house there having moved from Naples, Florida. Peter has a son there, also Peter, and was able to enjoy a father-son dinner of Morton steak and warm communication.
We flew on to Louisville where we celebrated the 20th anniversary of Living a Beautiful Life and the 15th anniversary of Today’s Woman magazine whose theme for 2007 is Living a Beautiful Life. An interior designer gave us a lovely reception in her home and I discovered that Lee and her husband John displayed a lovely painting by our favorite artist, Roger Mühl. We’re all unbelievably connected in heart, mind and spirit.
The end of March my oldest daughter turned forty. Alexandra can’t believe I’m as old as I am, and I can’t understand how these 40 years have soared.
Happy Spring! We saw daffodils, pansies, and flowering trees in Lexington and Louisville. We were blessed to dodge the snow and go to the sunlight. Now home, we’re preparing for our grandchildren to come to New York Easter week.
To help us celebrate Spring, and having a break from book tour, Peter treated us to the most memorable luncheon at our favorite restaurant, La Grenouille, where we courted a long time ago. The flowering blossoms, the lilies, the hyacinths, sweet peas, roses and ranunculus welcomed us with open arms, surprising us with joy as we experienced a tender celebration for two.
In a few weeks I give my new book, Happiness For Two: 75 Ways for Lovers to Find More Joy Together to my publisher. I am focused and deeply challenged to meet this deadline. I send everyone my dearest love and hope you understand that I am behind on my correspondence. But we all understand that life brings us opportunities and we must say yes to the ones that help us to fulfill our dreams.
Have exuberant celebration. Toast family and friends. I wish you great happiness and love. We are all on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. I’m happy we are together to share information and inspiration as well as love and understanding. Blessings!
Love & Live Happy

You Are Your Choices: 50 Ways to Live the Good Life
I cannot sell my new book to you directly, but I'm happy to send book plates for you and your friends. Please consider using my new book for a Book Club discussion. I would be happy to participate in your meeting by speaker phone!
Lexington, Kentucky

Alexandra and Faith at the Blue Grass Trust Antiques & Garden Show

Peter and Harriott

Alexandra and friends in Lexington, Kentucky

Alexandra and Peter enjoying themselves with their Lexington friends!
Thank you Debi Ward Kennedy for the lovely photo!

Sanibel, Florida

Host Garry introduces Peter and Alexandra at a book launch party.
Country Living - January 2007
What a lovely 7-page piece in this month's Country Living magazine. Enjoy beautiful colorful photos of Alexandra's Happy Home.
(see more photos in Calendar section)
Grace Note
Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do.
William Ellery Channing