October 2007
Dear Friend
Ah, as the saying goes, the days dwindle down to a precious few, September… the weather was spectacular, the sunsets astonishing, and we enjoyed an ideal month of solitude and society – a perfect balance of quiet days in our writing rooms and travels.
Because I am happiest with a pen in my hand, September was extremely productive as I worked on my new book. But equally enjoyable were our visits to west Texas, San Angelo, Denver, Colorado, and Dallas. At the end of September we went to study under the Harvard professor whose course is the most popular at the University on my passion, Happiness. It doesn’t get better than that.
October is rich with excitement. Peter and I met with my editor and publicist at my publisher's office to discuss my book tour for Happiness for Two: 75 Secrets for Finding More Joy Together. There seems to be a buzz about this book. Upon our return from Dallas, there was a package outside the front door of the cottage containing two gallery proofs. The publishing process is endlessly fascinating to me. Every step, each stage, is thrilling. I’m so blessed I feel this intense happiness as I fully embrace this process of a new book’s publication.
Being able to hold a bound copy in my hands is as tender as holding a newborn child or grandchild. It is unexplainable, but extremely tender and emotional. Because Peter wrote the Forward, this book is especially significant to us. We embrace our book tour and will give you dates as they are confirmed. As you know, the book is officially out on December 26, 2007 for the “New Year, New You” book store launch.
My friend Phyllis Hoffman is the new publisher for Victoria magazine. Phyllis flew Peter and me from Dallas to Denver to talk to some enthusiastic women about the new publication’s first issue, November- December. If you subscribe to Victoria magazine, you will receive your copy a few weeks before newsstands do. I’ve seen the gorgeous layout for A Room Of One’s Own that I wrote, and I think you will be most pleased. The issue will be out by mid-October. Be sure to see the article because the portrait picture of me is at my desk in my living room where I’ve spent such rewarding, peaceful days writing. My copy reveals a portion of the joy I feel when I’m here at my old humble French farm table.
I’ve been invited to speak at the Trustees of the Riot Relief Fund 144th annual luncheon on October 3rd in New York City. I’ve chosen to talk about what Aristotle taught us 2,500 years ago about living the good life in the 21st Century. This is an honor and I’m embracing the challenge to be brief and to-the-point about the ancient Greek philosopher of “Uncommon Common Sense.” Aristotle answered the main question in life: “What is the essence of life: to serve and to do good.” When asked, “What is the good life?” Aristotle’s reply: “Happiness itself is sufficient excuse. Beautiful things are right and true, so beautiful actions are those pleasing to the gods. Wise men have an inward sense of what is beautiful, and the highest wisdom is to trust this intuition and be guided by it. The answer to the best appeal of what is right lies within a man’s own breast. Trust thyself.” Aristotle taught us that “happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” He concludes, “The reward of happiness is an active life lived with sweet reason.”
Mid-October Peter and I look forward to studying under His Holiness the Dalai Lama for three full days of his teachings. We have excellent seats in order to experience his amazing aura. One of his teachings will be about emptiness. The doctrine Buddhism is that nothing in our own lives -- not our mind, feelings, body or environment – is a permanent entity. I’m told that when we really see and accept emptiness, we transform our lives. Peter and I laugh when we admit that we have a lot of work to do on ourselves because we are so attached to each other!
Later in October I’ll be giving a talk at a luncheon in Waterbury, Connecticut, sponsored by Saint Mary’s Hospital. I’m the first speaker in an Enlightenment series -- “Bright, Bold and Beautiful.” This talk is open to the public. If you have friends who can come, please spread the word.
Our daughter Alexandra is bringing the grandchildren to visit us at the cottage and enjoy the riot of fall foliage the last weekend in October. I envision us romping around, skipping, hopping, and jumping together in bliss.
I wish you great happiness this month. As the leaves begin to turn in this sweet village, Peter and I are anticipating our November 2nd through November 4th Happiness Weekend. One fan-friend is taking a train across the United States from Washington State! Life continues to unfold great mysteries that stimulate us, challenge us, and call us to contemplate life from the highest point of view.
Embrace this magical month of October!
Love & Live Happy

Alexandra and Peter enjoyed a lobster lunch with friends Rolland and Susan at Skipper's Dock in Stonington.
Lunch at Strings with Dr. Bonita Carson

Congratulations to Ellen Nelson from El Paso for her Mrs. Brown's table!

Happiness Weekend at The Inn at Stonington

November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th 2007: 9th Happiness Weekend at the Inn at Stonington. Enjoy a full and fulfilling weekend with Alexandra: Welcome reception, seminar, dinner with Alexandra and Peter at a wonderful local restaurant. A fabulous weekend getaway.
Alexandra's new book will be in book stores on December 26th!
Grace Note
"Happiness depends on ourselves."